Joyned is a social commerce-as-a-service website add-on that enables people to chat live and book together.
Jonathan Abraham is co-founder and CEO of the Israel-based company.
Since Joyned’s first presentation at The Phocuswright Conference three years ago, the company has grown its number of converted users from 30,000 to 700,000, according to co-founder and CEO Jonathan Abraham.
Joyned provides online travel agencies and other travel sellers a website add-on so users simply click a "plan with friends" button to research and book trips together. During the Launch event at The Phocuswright Conference 2022 in Phoenix in November, Abraham explains how the social shopping expereince increases conversions, spend and traffic.
“Joyned lets your users easily invite their friends over to your website, meet them on the site and have the whole booking flow together on your website - with each other - without leaving the website,” he says.
Group chats are private with user data encrypted and anonymized.
Still, travel sellers gain access to “a whole new world of data and insights” into travelers’ price perception, behavior and sentiment, offering companies a “competitive edge,” Abraham says.
After that presentation, Abraham stopped by the PhocusWire Studio to discuss how Joyned simplifies trip planning.
Videos of both are below.
Joyned - Phocuswright Innovation Launch
Joyned - Phocuswright Conference Launch innovator interview